About Us
Zoya Naidoo and Partners is a mental health and wellness company, that provides holistic psychosocial and Mediation interventions. Our multidisciplinary team of HPCSA registered practitioners are highly skilled and experienced in providing, need-specific solutions for individuals, families, groups, and organisations. As the world adjusts to the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of mental health support has become ever more crucial in the promotion of overall organisational and personal wellbeing. At Zoya Naidoo and Partners we are committed to providing effective, evidence-based interventions to ensure the needs and goals of individuals and organisations are addressed

Company History
Zoya V. Naidoo (CEO) founded the company following the tremendous success of her solo private practice, in supporting the staff and clientele of Lenmed Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital (AKPH) & the Johannesburg Institute of Social Services (JISS). During the first two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa, Ms Naidoo and staff provided crucial crisis and trauma support for the staff and patients of AKPH and has since established Zoya Naidoo and Partners as the key mental health support service provider for the Lenmed hospitals in Gauteng –including Zamokuhle, Daxina & Randfontein private hospitals. Zoya Naidoo and Partners was officially established as a mental health and wellness company early in 2021, which was marked by the formalising of our key partnership with Family Life Services (FAMSA) Parkwood, and our move into our current office premises.

Our mission is to promote mental well-being in all sectors of society, through the provision of evidence-based solutions designed to promote healing and growth
To transform pain to power in individuals, groups, and organisations in order to nurture healing and promote joy.

Reflexivity: To engage in and promote an active reflexive process that allows for iterative change.
Evidence based: Using cultural humility to align critical inquiry with critical praxis.
Social change: To provide interventions designed to promote and facilitate social change.
Professionalism: Every individual interacting with Zoya Naidoo and Partners will be treated with care, respect and professionalism, in order to promote human dignity.
Ethically sound: Decision making based on sound ethical principals govern all we do.
Collaboration: To collaborate with all stakeholders in a manner that ensures connection, solution finding and capacity building.
Trauma Informed: To honour the innate trauma that all who comes into contact with us have, through recognition and holding space while providing healing and support.
Certifications and Affiliations

Key Partnerships